Married! Altercation at Coffee Cravings when husband of Christian's mystery beauty arrives on the scene

Christian, above left, at last months City Comic Con; Joshua flips off the camera man as he leaves the scene.
Hugh Christian's "Love Story" just turned into a love triangle!

The actor, fresh from the premiere of his new movie "Love Story" and no doubt basking in glowing first reviews of his performance, took to his local coffee shop for a morning pick-me-up and got much more than he paid for.

Sources on the scene say that on his way out of the shop, carrying a bag of pastries and two cups of coffee (one for his mystery date, no doubt), Christian was confronted by a man unknown to both the sources and Christian himself. The stranger allegedly identified himself as Joshua and loudly accused Christian of being the cause of his ruined relationship, then went on to mention that "she didn't even wait a single day."

The confrontation thankfully did not come to blows before the scorned beau stormed off and left a shaken Christian behind.

Yesterday's heady romance is today's heated rivalry! Did Hugh Christian really split up a relationship? Or was his mystery blonde keeping big secrets?